
UK Plans Ban on Disposable Vapes

UK Plans Ban on Disposable Vapes

The UK government is taking a stand against disposable vapes, UK Plans Ban on Disposable Vapes.

On Monday, British Prime Minister Rishi Shankar will announce plans to ban the sale of disposable vapes to prevent youngsters from using them,

enhancing the government’s commitment to preventing younger generations from purchasing tobacco products. It is time to introduce laws.

To make vapes and e-cigarettes less appealing to kids, the new choices would require plain packaging, limiting the flavors that might be used in them, and altering how they are displayed.

“Along with our commitment to ban the legal sale of cigarettes to children 15 years of age and younger this year,

these changes will leave a lasting legacy while protecting the health of our children for the long term,” Sink stated in a press release.

According to the government, smoking is the leading preventable cause of cancer-related fatalities in Britain, accounting for one in four of these deaths annually, or about 80,000.

Sink declared in October that he intended to enact legislation prohibiting tobacco purchases for everyone born on or after January 1, 2009.

Although 9% of people use vapes, the government stated that although they are thought to be essential in helping people stop smoking,

there are worries that they could cause nicotine addiction in young people, who are currently between the ages of 11 and 15.

In December, the World Health Organisation (WHO) proposed a ban on all vape flavors.

Flavors are essential in persuading smokers to quit, according to industry associations including the UK

The Vaping Industry Association, also claims that vapes provide a lot less health danger than tobacco.

“I have a responsibility to do what I think is right for our country in the long term,” Sink explained.

“That’s why I’m taking strong measures to outlaw disposable vape pens, which have encouraged child

vaping, as well as to restrict the flavors of vapes, implement plain packaging, and put vapes on display in stores.

The government claims that a ban on disposable vapes will assist both health and the environment, as five million are thrown away each week.

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