Binance announced NFPrompt their new launchpool project

Binance announced NFPrompt, their new launchpool project

The NFP Launch Pool on Binance is a dynamic and innovative platform designed to bring together the worlds of art, artificial intelligence, and cryptocurrency.

It is a launchpad for NF Prompts (NFP), a groundbreaking project in the Web 3 space.

Binance announced NFPrompt their new launch pool project, promising innovative opportunities. In this post, we try to cover this.

Here’s a breakdown of its key components:

  1. Purpose of NFP:
    • NF Prompts (NFP) stands out as the first artist platform in Web 3, offering a unique space where creativity meets the power of artificial intelligence (AI).
    • The platform enables users to transform their imaginative ideas into AI-generated NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).
  2. How to Participate in the NFP Lunch Pool?
    • To participate in the NFP Launch Pool, users need to deposit BNB (Binance Coin), BUSD (Binance USD), and TUSD (TrueUSD) into the pool.
    • The process just involved a 7-day countdown, Now official project launched on the 27th of December 2023.
  3. NFP Token Details:
    • The native token of NF Prompts is NFP, with a total token supply of 1 billion.
    • Launch Token Rewards offers 110 billion NFP tokens, constituting 11% of the total token supply.
    • The Initial Circulation Supply is set at 250 million NFP tokens, accounting for 25% of the total token supply.
  4. NFP requires User Approval:
    • Participation in the NFP Launch Pool is reserved for approved users, adding an element of exclusivity to the platform.
  5. Snapshot Period:
    • The Binance snapshot period is a crucial aspect of the launch pool, capturing snapshots multiple times each hour.
    • User rewards are updated hourly, allowing participants to accumulate and claim rewards directly to their spot accounts.
  6. Real-Time Updates:
    • Transparency is key, with real-time updates on each pool’s annual percentage yield and total pool balance.
  7. Token Stacking:
    • A user-friendly approach allows tokens to be stacked in one pool at a time, promoting fair play and strategic allocation.
  8. Restrictions for NFP lunch pool:
    • While the NFP Launch Pool offers an exciting opportunity, some countries and regions have restrictions on participation. Users are advised to check the platform for the detailed list.

In essence, the NFP Launch Pool on Binance is a space where artistry, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology converge. It provides a novel way for users to engage with the NFP project, promising a blend of creativity, exclusivity, and potential rewards. Participants can look forward to a unique journey in the evolving landscape of crypto and NFTs.

Binance announced NFPrompt, their new launchpool project
_Binance screenshot

What is Binance Fair Mode?

Certainly! In simple terms, Fair Mode is like a special system created by Binance Launchpool to make things fair and beneficial for everyone involved, especially for the community and regular users like you.

Here’s what it means:

  1. More for the Community: Fair Mode ensures that a significant part of the tokens goes directly to the community during the initial stages. This way, everyone has a fair chance to get involved and benefit.
  2. Quick Access to Tokens: All the tokens will be given to participants before the official listing starts. This ensures that you can access and use your tokens promptly, making the whole process transparent and straightforward.
  3. Balancing the System: Fair Mode is designed to control things in a smart way to avoid too much inflation (an increase in the supply of tokens that could affect their value). Certain rules are set to make sure the system remains balanced and sustainable.

In a nutshell, Fair Mode is like a set of rules to ensure fairness, transparency, and a positive experience for everyone participating in the launch pool.

It’s Binance’s way of making sure everyone gets a fair share and can enjoy the benefits of the launch.

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